Wolfgang Egger
Custom Software, Berlin
Current Skillset
2006 to 2023 Senior Lead Developer Frontend for Sixt Leasing SE (now Allane SE)
Production Level
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Research/Prototyping Level
C, C++, Python, MicroPython, TypeScript
Arduino, NodeJS, Electron, ROS2
STM32, Pi Pico, iRobot Create3
About me
what some of my teammates say
The cooperation with you was always great. Thank you very much for that.
I always found the cooperation with you very constructive and successful.
I always thought, it was cool to work with you. Even if we didn't always agree, we always had super constructive discussions and came to a great result.
We have "lived through" many topics together over the years. It was not always easy, but I have always appreciated it very much, that one could "discuss hotly" with you and afterwards also work calmly together again!
I would like to thank you very much for all the work we have done and especially for all that you have taught me.
I thank you for your collaboration. You contributed to me documenting business logic, at one point or another. That also helped me sort out my thoughts and I still watch the docs today. Thank you so much. I have learned from you.
Last Freelancer Project
2006 to 2023 back office frontend for the leasing business
WebApplication back office suite
- Frontend: 250 Applications, 500.000 lines of JavaScript, 2 to 4 developers.
2020 to 2023: Maintenance of the framework and the frontend as Senior Lead Developer
- Team: 2 to 3 developers including me.
2018/2019: Senior Lead Architect and Senior Lead Developer of the XUL to HTML migration.
- Script-driven conversion of XUL files to HTML.
- Script-driven generation of CommonJs modules from the existing vanilla JavaScript objects.
- Adaptation of the custom vanilla JavaScript framework
- Re-Implementation of the native XUL widgets in vanilla JavaScript
- Team: 4 developers including me.
2017: Built a PoC to show the migration of the frontend from XUL to HTML using electron.
- Technology: shell-scripts, AWK, NodeJS, electron, webpack.
2006 to 2016: Senior Lead Developer Frontend
- Framework Development
- Application Development
- Technology: XUL, JavaScript, CSS
- Team: 2 to 4 developers including me.
Freelancer Projects
all frelancer projects since 1998
Soprado GmbH & Co. KG, München (software identity)
Projekt: Leasing Back Office Suite +++ Javascript Enterprise WebApplication
Technology: JavaScript, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, XUL, ExtJS, AJAX
End customer: Sixt Leasing SE / Allane SE
Hoch3 GmbH, Berlin (Healthcare-Kommunikation)
Projekt: BWP
2005 (Upgrade) +++ accessible PDF archive CD with full text search
Technology: J2EE, JSP, XML, XSLT,
End customer: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Projekt: Dardia International
Technology: PHP, Perl, CMS (Teamsite)
End customer: Intendis GmbH
WR-Multimedia, Nürnberg (Web Development)
Projekt: BWP
2007 (Update)
Technology: J2EE, JSP, XML, XSLT,
End customer: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Projekt: BWP
2006 (Update)
Technology: J2EE, JSP, XML, XSLT,
End customer: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Projekt: MS
Technology: C#, .NET, ActionScript, XML
End customer: Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Projekt: Pille.com
Technology: PHP, Perl, CMS (Teamsite)
End customer: Schering Deutschland GmbH
Projekt: Ventavis
Technology: PHP
End customer: Schering Deutschland GmbH
Projekt: AZA
- Redirector
Technology: PHP
End customer: Intendis GmbH
BWP 2004 (Update)
Technology: XML, XSLT, XSL-FO,
End customer: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
BWP 2003 +++ PDF archive CD with full text search
Technology: XML, XSLT, XSL-FO, ActionScript
End customer: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Projekt: IT Consulting
Institut der
Kasseler Stottertherapie, Kassel (Multidimensionale Stottertherapie)
Projekt: IT Consulting
Walden & Egger GbR
my first company
all employments since 1986
- 1/2002 to 3/2003: BeagleSoft GmbH, Berlin (cofounder)
OOA, OOD, UML, CAP 4.0, J2EE, Struts, XML, JUnit, HttpUnit
- 12/2000 to 12/2001: Equityscope AG, Berlin
OOA, OOD, UML, JUnit, HttpUnit, Ant, bash, Tomcat
- 7/2000 to 11/2000: Synemedia Productions, Berlin
- 1996 to 1998: DISOS GmbH, Berlin
DB2, SQL, Gupta, C++
- 1993 to 1996: Treuhandanstalt, Berlin
- 1988 to 1992: Auguste Viktoria Krankenhaus, Berlin
- 1986 to 1989: Heinzelmännchen, FU-Berlin
- 1986: Feix KG, Kaufbeuren
school and university
- 2003 to 2006: Informatik (Bachelor of Science) / FU-Berlin
Rechnerstrukturen, Nebenläufige Programmierung, .NET, Systemadministration, Rechnerorganisation, Netzprogrammierung, Datenbanksysteme
- 1991 to 1999: Diplominformatik / TU-Berlin
Grundlagen der Informatik, Theoretische Informatik, Mathematik für Informatiker, Technische Informatik, Betriebssystempraktikum, Programmierpraktikum (LISP Interpreter), Unixpraktikum (Groupware), Softwaretechnik und Systemgestaltung, Grundlagen der Informationsmodellierung, Methoden der KI, Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Robotik, Programmierpraktikum Robotik, Kommunikationswissenschaften, Digitale Signalverbeitung
- 1986 to 1989: Politikwissenschaften / FU-Berlin
Geschichte (Parteien im Nationalsozialismus), Soziologie (Geschlechtergerechtigkeit), Politiktheorie (Machtbegriff)
- 1986: Abitur am Peter Dörfler Gymnasium, Marktoberdorf/Algäu
Chemie, Kunst, Religion, Deutsch